Naomi Kirby, BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (Leeds IAPT) - Testimonial

“I found Matt’s teaching style engaging and confident. Matt’s delivery of the training demonstrated competency and understanding of the therapeutic model and theory. Matt was knowledgeable and he made the training interesting and relevant to those attending. Attendees came from varying therapeutic backgrounds and the appropriate use of clinical examples, including examples of pitfalls, made the training more meaningful and applicable to practice. The training exercises, which could use the attendee’s own material, were set up clearly and in an environment that felt safe as Matt created an atmosphere that was containing and supportive. In my opinion, Matt facilitated the training to make the optimum use of the training time and it maintained focus which ensured the training objectives were met. Matt’s teaching style, which has an appropriate use of humor, allows for a relaxed but professional approach leading to training that felt highly satisfactory, did not disappoint and allowed me to leave with an understanding of the theory and skills I required to start practicing a differing therapy approach”. -Naomi KirbyBABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (Leeds IAPT)